Sunday, April 27, 2008

The best decisions are made with your head and you heart

We all agree that we should carefully and rationally think through life changing decisions. It’s just as important when making these decisions not to neglect your emotional feelings.

When you carefully consider your feelings before making a final commitment you can save yourself a lot of heartache and frustration. There is peace in knowing that the decisions you make are the right ones for you when they reflect a balanced mix of rational thought and emotion,

Next time you’re faced with an importance choice, combine the power of your head with your heart.

You’ll know you made the right decision.

I use my head and my heart when making decisions

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sweetness of the "Patience"

Sweetness is the ability to see the good in all things. Deep within each and every situation is something good. It only takes a little patience to look within and find it. When we are able to understand the secret behind what is happening, it automatically brings sweetness in our lives. Thus we will be able to spread this to others too. Whatever happens throughout the day, we should be able to see the good in it. Even if we are not able to discover something good at that moment, we should maintain the faith that whatever happens is for the best.

Sweetness of the "Patience"

Sweetness is the ability to see the good in all things. Deep within each and every situation is something good. It only takes a little patience to look within and find it. When we are able to understand the secret behind what is happening, it automatically brings sweetness in our lives. Thus we will be able to spread this to others too. Whatever happens throughout the day, we should be able to see the good in it. Even if we are not able to discover something good at that moment, we should maintain the faith that whatever happens is for the best.

When you journey within, you're never without

Your internal wisdom is the part of you that knows what is true and best for you. Each one of us is born with this gift yet it often gets lost in a sea of external voices, opinions and judgments.

Its time to recapture this priceless gift!

Make a time and a place when all you have to do is concentrate on yourself - not the children, pets, your boss, your coworkers, your unfinished laundry or your list of errands.

Make this special place a quiet zone and sanctuary. Close your eyes and listen to your thoughts. Be at one with yourself and quietly tap into your internal wisdom.

If this is new to you, be patient. It may take time. But, as you listen carefully, you will gradually come to know that the greatest wisdom is inside your heart.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The sooner you focus on your visions, the sooner they will thrive

We all know women with big ideas that can’t seem to make them materialize. Are you one of these women? Big ideas and grand visions are never enough. They must be accompanied by a sharp focus.

When you focus on your visions, you gain a sense of personal power, a feeling that you are talking control of your life. Both self-respect and self-esteem get a definite boost, as you learn to consciously stay focused on the positive results you seek.

Don’t waste another day! Stay true to your visions and never lose focus. Before you know it you will be living and breathing your dreams.

Remaining focused on my visions empowers me.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Life flourishes when you let go of resentment

Resentment is like a parasite. It feeds on you and leaves you weakened by its presence. Its only purpose is to take from you – and take it will.

Break free and shake resentment off! There’s simply no room in your life for this negative energy. You have so much to do and so many places to go. If you let resentment get in the way you’ll never reach your potential.

Start by focusing on what you do have, not on what is lacking. Stop fretting about what should have been, and concentrate on what could be, Forgive, forget, and move on.

Let go of resentment today and you’ll amazed by all the space it leaves in your life for better things.

I am free of all resentment

Are you avoiding conflict?

Do you avoid speaking your mind because you don’t want to rock the boat? Do you feel it’s just easier to avoid conflict?

When you don’t take initiative and express your own wants and needs, others make decisions for you - and chances are, they won't always make the decisions you want! If this goes on long enough, you will start to feel misunderstood or taken for granted. Anger and resentment will grow and you'll eventually erupt.

You are the only one who can decide to change this behavior!

Next time you're asked what you want, don't rush to say you don't care, stop and ask yourself, "What do I want?" Then, share it with conviction.

I'm confident in expressing my own wants and needs

Monday, April 14, 2008

Allow yourself guilt-free time

So many times we live our lives doing what others want us to do or what we think is expected of us. This may be practical at work, where you need to fulfill your job duties, but your personal life is different.

If you’re always doing what others want, you end up neglecting your own interests, needs and desires. Over time, your spirit withers and you feel caught in an undertow of survival.

You’re important and so is the time you need for yourself! Pull out your calendar and mark sometime off, just for you. Do it, even if it’s only 30-minutes every few days. Consider this time an investment in your emotional health and wellness. Enjoy it without guilt, no ifs, and or buts. This is time to give back to your self!

I allow time for myself without feeling guilty

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Focus on your future instead of on what you missed

It’s important to look back on past successes but its even more important to use your vision to look ahead.

When we spend too much time looking back at past events, we get caught up in the “woulda, shoulda, coulda” mental talk. Learn from your past, and then let it go.
Focus your imagination on your future, when you send these good thoughts out in front of you, they prepare and smooth the way. Use your imagination to reel in all the possibilities that lie ahead.

Picture your ultimate success and then get to work creating it. When you take the giant step and dare to believe, your dreams will come true.

My imagination is focused on the future

Monday, April 7, 2008

Do what you love – and excitement will follow

When you follow what you love in life, challenges can be tough because the stakes are high. You set your whole heart on reaching your goal and you want, so badly, to succeed!

It’s not always easy. But, doing what you love means that, each morning, you awaken with passion and excitement at your core.

It means you’re finding hidden strengths you didn’t know you possessed. And, you’re equipped to get over obstacles and disappointments with grace.

Most of all, it means no regrets. No matter what, you’re living an exciting life, doing what you were born to do

Yeah, I'm doing what I love

Friday, April 4, 2008

Benefits of Having Positive Attitude

  • Achieve your goals and attain success

  • Success achieved faster and more easily

  • More happiness

  • More energy

  • Greater inner power and strength

  • The ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others

  • Fewer difficulties encountered along the way

  • The ability to surmount any difficulty

  • People begin to respect you more

Developing a positive attitude that will lead you to happiness and success

- Choose to be happy.

- Look at the bright side of life.

- Choose to be and stay optimistic.

- Find reasons to smile more often.

- Have faith in yourself and in the Power of the Universe.

- Contemplate upon the futility of negative thinking and worries.

- Associate yourself with happy people.

- Read inspiring stories.

- Read inspiring quotes.

- Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you.

- Visualize only what you want to happen.

- Learn to master your thoughts.

- Learn concentration and meditation.

Focus on your Attitude

Attitude is the way you mentally look at the world around you. It is how you view your environment and your future. It is the focus you develop toward life itself.

Author Unknown

Champions, Skill, Will

Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.

- Anonymous

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

There are no detours around obstacles

There isn’t a meaningful goal that can be achieved, without facing obstacles and hurdles. It’s an inevitable part of life’s road to success. The more you come to grips with this, the faster you’ll get where you want to go!

Instead of seeing difficulties as the end of your dreams, see them as part of the journey. View obstacles as challenges, which, one overcome will bring you closer to your destination. Refuse to be stopped – keep focusing on where you want to go.

When the going gets tough, remind yourself that snags build wisdom, perseverance and strength, with this outlook your frustrations will transform to motivations and success will come your way more quickly.

I view obstacles as stepping stones that bring me closer to my goals.