Sunday, June 1, 2008

Positive Attitude Story, Happiness and Contentment by Napoleon Hill

"It has been my observation that people are just about happy as they make up their minds to be". Abraham Lincoln

Attitude, positive or negative, influences everything. Success, happiness- all starts with the mind. There is very little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.

Napoleon Hill wrote an article called" Contentment" .

It all starts with a positive mental attitude. Happiness is attracted with what and how you see the world. Positive mental attitude will attract health, wealth and happiness you desire. And a positiveattitude consists of such characteristics as faith, hope, charity, optimism, cheer, generosity.


" The richest man in the world lives in Happy Valley.
He is rich in values that endure, in things he cannot lose.

Here is an inventory of his riches and how he acquired them:

I found happiness by helping others find it.

I found sound health by living temperately and eating only the food my body requires to maintain itself.

I hate no man, envy no man, but love and respect all mankind.

I am engaged in a labor of love with which I mix play generously; therefore I seldom grow tired.

I pray daily, not for more riches, but for more wisdom with which to recognize, embrace and enjoy the great abundance of riches I already possess.

I speak no name save only to honor it, and I slander no man for any cause for whatsoever

I ask no favors of anyone except the privilege of sharing my blessings with all who desire them.

I am on good terms with my conscience; therefore, it guides me accurately in everything I do.

I have more material wealth than I need because I am free from greed and covet only those things I can use constructively while I live.

My wealth comes from those whom I have benefited by sharing my blessings.

The estate of happy valley which I own I not taxable. It exists mainly in my own mind, in intangible riches that cannot be assessed for taxation and appropriated except by those who adopt my way of life.

I created this estate over a lifetime of effort by observing nature's law and forming habits to conform with them."

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