Monday, March 31, 2008

Hate is an invisible chain

When you don’t let go of hate, you let the thing or person you hate maintain control over you. You allow the hatred to keep the channels of negative energy open, sucking out positive emotions and holding you back from true happiness.

Cut off the hate and move on! When you cleanse your mind and should of grudges and negative thoughts, you make room for positive emotions and joy. Take a moment today to consciously let go of all hatred. Savor the new energy that you’ll feel bursting through to take its place!

I have let go of all hatred.

Motivation comes from doing, not thinking.

The longer you sit you sit and think about doing something, the harder it becomes to do it. If you think too much, excuses may paralyze you.

Today is your day to stop thinking and start doing!

When you start doing something, positive energy flows and you become more motivated. So don’t think about how you're going to exercise. Put on your running shoes and run! Don’t think about how you'll learn a new skill some day. Go to and book a course, right now!

Stop procrastinating. Start doing! You’ll find a motivation that can change your life!

My motivation comes from doing things

Sunday, March 30, 2008

We all need a special hideaway

A special hideaway is where you feel at total peace and completely safe. Your special place could be a meadow or a beach or the bedroom you grew up in. Try to imagine your special hideaway, right now. Look around and notice the familiar shapes and colours.

Listen to the sounds and smell the fragrances. Notice the temperature and how your body feels. If your special place is a beach, listen to the waves crashing against the sand. See and hear the seagulls above you. Notice the salty sea breeze, the warmth of sun on your skin and the feel the sand between your toes.

When you go to your special place involve all your senses - sight, sound, taste, smell and touch. You’ll feel revived, renewed and invigorated from the journey to your special hideaway.

Visiting my hideaway leaves me feeling revived, renewed and invigorated

Thursday, March 27, 2008

It takes goals and motivation to win the race

Do you know what is important to you? If not, you may have set unreachable goals, or may not have set goals at all.

Without meaningful goals, life is much like a race with no finish line. There is never any reason to celebrate!

If, on the other hand, you set and achieve meaningful goals, you have many reasons to rejoice, Remember, of satisfaction and celebration. Your self-esteem and confidence get a boost, because you have proven to yourself that you are capable.

Determine what is important to you, and resolve to pursue your goals with passion and persistence. The race is about to begin – and you want to win it!

I know what is important to me, and I pursue it with passion

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Not a woman in the world knows it all

Let’s face it – it’s hard to learn anything when you think you already know it all. None of us like to admit our ignorance, yet most of us will confess that we don’t know everything.

Once you acknowledge ignorance, you empower yourself. You can’t not take responsibility to chart a course toward greater knowledge. It’s a beautiful choice.

As strange as it sounds, we often expect ourselves to know before we have learned which creates anxiety and tension. Why not join other women that have let it go and are not afraid or embarrassed to admit their ignorance? Once you do, you’ll relax and be more open to learning.

I'm always willing to learn and expand my knowledge

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Harboring resentment wastes time and robs your energy

Holding grudges against another takes a tremendous amount of energy and slowly erodes your happiness.

If you think about it, it’s also a waste of time. You have so many better things to do with your life.

When you allow your negative emotions to affect your daily thoughts and actions, you become controlled by them.

Take a check of the resentment you hold against your loved ones, your co-workers or even your considerate and loving nature dominate thoughts and actions.

You can choose how to live your life. Free your self from resentment and you will regain all of your energy. Try it. You’ll feel great when you do!

I am free of resentment

Monday, March 24, 2008

When the going gets rough, you need self-worth

When you’re looking good on the outside, with a new outfit or haircut, your day goes more smoothly and you handle setbacks more easily. This feels good and helps us handle the daily grind. But, tackling challenges is much easier and more dramatic when you feel good about yourself on the inside!

A strong self-worth builds personal resilience, which helps you face challenges and bounce back from inside out, and feel the confidence to persevere and move forward with enthusiasm.

So when things go wrong, don’t reach for your credit card, instead, reach inside for the priceless deposit of self-worth!

I rely on my strong self-worth when facing challenges

Believe in yourself and set your standards high

Next time you’re tempted to settle for something less than ideal – a man, a job, a home, a friend’s behavior… perhaps even a pair of shoes – Stop!

You’re a woman of many talents and inner strengths. Your gifts enhance life and nurture so many. You deserve and are worthy if far more than second best. So, why accept less?

Never settle! Be discerning. Be demanding. Instead of lowering your standards, wait for the quality you deserve. The wait will be worth it.

I believe in myself and have high standards

Walking is moving meditation

If your life is going in a hundred different directions and moving a million miles an hour, walking may make the burden easier to handle.

Walking allows you to focus on being fully present. It provides you with an opportunity to mull over something that may be on your mind. It gives you a chance to take in the beauty and bounty that surrounds you Walking can be a time for self-discovery, a time to reconnect with wholeness and harmony.

Take 15-minutes today, and just walk. Let your mind rest. Savor the physical and emotional benefits you gain from moving your body.

This is rejuvenation at its best!

Walking rejuvenates me

Friday, March 21, 2008

Why do any one need Positive approach in life

Positive attitude, positive thinking, and optimism are now known to be a root cause of many positive life benefits--the good life and well being. You'll live longer and be healthier and happier with a positive attitude toward life. In addition, you're more likely to be successful. Learn to use the power of thinking positive, adopting positive attitudes, and affirmations to gain important life benefits.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Who’s in control, you or your emotions?

When you allow your emotions to enter into discussions over conflicting opinions or positions, you cloud the issues and detract from your argument.

Even if you have a valid point of view, it becomes cloaked in feelings, which reduce its connection to rational thought. You risk losing the other person’s respect. When you’re emotional you end up handling control to those who are in charge of their emotions.

Next time conflict arises, stay calm. Bite your tongue, silently count to ten, take a deep breath and state your position in an objective and unemotional manner.

Remember, there is a time and a place for showing your emotions,. And. Powerful people keep their feelings undercover until the time is right.

I am in control of my emotions

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Passion is the secret to motivation

Did anyone force you to buy those great shoes, hug your children, kiss your lover or eat every crumb of that forbidden cake? Of course not – you did these things without a second thought, because you’re passionate about them.

When not pursue a hobby you’ve always craved? Take up a cause that really matters to you or apply for a job you’ve always wanted. Get creative.

Reflect on what you love to do – and most importantly start doing what you love. Today!

My life is focused around things I'm passionate about

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You’re at your best in a supportive environment

A significant part of your environment is the people you spend time with. These people have a huge impact on you and your decisions. That is precisely why you need to be sure you surround yourself with those who support you and your ambitions.

Do you best to avoid people who belittle your enthusiasm, put you down or try to squash your dreams, do your best to seek out those that support your goals and share your infectious energy.

Surround yourself with positive people. When you combine that with both positive energy and attitude, you can’t help but soar.

I am surrounded by people who are positive and want the best for me.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Take time to be grateful

Taking the time everyday to recognize what you’re grateful for helps keep things in perspective. Gratitude carries you through the tough time, and gives you the strength to surpass the stress of challenges.

Reflect on your family, your friends or the place where you live, and the satisfaction they bring you. Think about your good health and your mental or physical talents.

Consider the pleasure you receive from a phone call with a friend or a laugh you shared with your children.

Look back on small and large moments – the affection of a pet, your success in the garden or a deep and fulfilling partnership. These are all things that nourish gratitude. And, gratitude makes life worth living!

Each day I reflect on what I am grateful for

Share intimate feelings and you’ll never be alone

Your friends and family are your closest links to personal freedom.

Through your relationships with them, you learn to love, to share, to care and experience true joy. Through these intimate connections, you learn what relationships really mean.

In times of sadness relationships comfort us, and in times of happiness they help us celebrate.

When you open your heart to another and share your deepest feelings, you open the door to personal freedom.

I share deepest feelings with those close to me without fear

Be Sensitive to Timing

While timing isn’t everything, it is often the most important factor in determining how you and your ideas will be received.

In personal relationship bringing up sensitive issues when the other person is tried, not feeling well or thinking about something stressful is risky. When you do, the chances that you will cause irritation and end up feeling rejected are high.

It’s natural to assume that the negative reactions of others are signals that they don’t care. But in reality, you would probably react in the same exact way, given the same situation.

Be sensitive to when you bring things up. Don’t let your excitement and enthusiasm blind you to the concerns and pressures of your partner’s support make sure the time is right. When you do, its more than likely your excitement will be shared.

To ensure support, I bring things up when the timing is right.

Its all you only who can make difference in you

One day all the employees reached the office and they saw a big notice on the door on which was written:

'Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been prepared in the gym'.

In the beginning, they all got sad for the death of one of their colleagues, but after a while they started getting curious to know who was that man who hindered the growth of his colleagues and the company itself. The excitement in the gym was such that security agents were ordered to control the crowd within the room.

The more people reached the coffin, the more the excitement heated up. Everyone thought: 'Who is this guy who was hindering my progress? Well, at least he died!'. One by one the thrilled employees got closer to the coffin, and when they looked inside it they suddenly became speechless. They stood nearby the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their
soul. There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who looked inside it could see himself.

There was also a sign next to the mirror that said:

'There is only one person who is capable to set limits to your growth: it is YOU. You are the only person who can revolutionize your life. You are the only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and your success. You are the only person who can help yourself. Your life does not change when your boss changes, when your friends change, when your parents change, when your partner changes, when your company changes. Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only one responsible for your life. 'The most important relationship you can have is the one you have with yourself'

Examine yourself, watch yourself. Don't be afraid of difficulties, impossibilities and losses: be a winner, build yourself and your reality.
It's the way you face Life that makes the difference!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Think life is hard - and it's hard

When you dwell on your problems or what you don’t have, you generate negative energy, and chances are your life wont change for the better. Why not focus on the possibilities?

When you make up your mind to do something, you’ll find you can. Instead of thinking about barriers in life, reach out after opportunities. Instead of seeing a locked door, see a key. Instead of thinking about the rough mountain climb ahead, see yourself standing on the summit.

Today, resolve to let go of the struggles and embrace your potential. Your shift in attitude will shift your life from the shadows into the sunshine.

I am focused on my potential.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A powerful woman doesn’t have to prove she is powerful

Women who feel the need to prove their power usually worry, secretly, that they hold no power at all.

Deep down, they’re trying to prove something to themselves. And the more they continue down this path, the more they prove their doubts correct!

If you find yourself trying to prove your power to others, stop, let your power make it know, through your quiet, calm, confidence and the respect that surrounds you.

Remember, true power doesn’t need to shout to prove itself.. It can whisper and still be heard.

My power comes from the confidence and respect I have for myself

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A sense of purpose makes life meaningful

Is your life synchronized with your dreams and actions? Do you use the power of each day to pursue the life of your dreams? If not, why?

You have a specific unique purpose and destiny in this world and its up to you to pursue it.

When you have a strong sense of purpose you develop direction. Achievement, hopefulness, motivation, persistence and high self esteem come naturally.

Stay grounded and focused on your daily goals and intentions Don’t get distracted; don’t let anything get in the way. Align your actions with these callings and you will achieve your life’s purpose.

My actions are aligned with my life's purpose.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Start each day with the intention to be balanced and peaceful

Often, we get up in the morning and once our mind kicks in to gear us mentally run through all the things we need to get done that day.

Within a few minutes we’re frantically running around trying to get everything and everyone organized for the day. When we start off by filling our minds with high voltage activity we usually spend the rest of the day feeling anxious and stressed.

Tomorrow morning take a few moments instead to fill your mind and soul with calm, Before you jump out of bed, enjoy a few minutes of peaceful relaxation.

Reflect on the importance of harmony, serenity and balance in your life.

When you start each day this way you’ll have more energy and tolerance for what lies ahead and you’ll be able to handle the unexpected with ease.

Harmony, balance and serenity are priorities in my life.

The power of your imagination can make things happen

Imagine this! You’re faced with a giant obstacle and you turn it into a personal triumph. Everything turns out beautifully. How do you feel? The emotion that accompanies conquest is hard to beat! So, what made it happen?

Events tend to play out in reality the way they play out in our minds. The exact details of the situation may vary, but the end result will be just what you imagined.

Next time you find yourself in a situation where you really need to succeed, describe to yourself the details of the outcome you want. Don’t cloud your thinking with what you don’t want to happen. Focus solely on what you do want to happen

Revisit the outcome in your mind as often as you can, and your imagination will guide you to success.

My thoughts are focused on what I want to happen

Monday, March 10, 2008

Grow up and laugh at yourself

When you were young, the worst thing that could happen was the ridicule of others. Looking back, you can recall the embarrassment and humiliation of being laughed at. And, God forbid that you made fun of yourself. It didn’t happen

But, as we grow older, we gradually learn that laughing at ourselves is okay. This is an important lesson. A lesson that, all too often, we forget to live.

Next time something doesn’t go your way or you do something you regret, no matter how upset you feel, say to yourself, "In time, I will laugh at this."

You don’t always have to wait for time to pass, Decide to laugh about it right then and there, Laughing puts things in perspective and chases embarrassment away. So laugh at yourself, today!!

I laugh at myself without embarrassment or humiliation.

A Strong self-image requires a strong support system

While each of us is responsible for our own self-image, it's important to have support, encouragement and inspiration from those we value.

Nothing erodes your self-image more quickly than unhealthy or destructive relationships.

Spend time with friends who cheer you on to reach your potential. Nurture friendship that is positive and uplifting. Look for friendship that is positive and uplifting. Look for friends that listen attentively, that believe in you and encourage you. Your self-image will grow stronger until you can reach any goal

I spend time with people that have my best interest at heart.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Dissipate your fears by rediscovering the child within you

Look at a young child working on a project - cutting with little plastic scissors, drawing with crayons, taping the loose ends - and never a thought of failure.
No matter what the outcome a child always feels a sense of pride and accomplishment.
This same child is within you, the child that does not worry about failure or being judged for trying.

It's not very often that things turn out right on the fist try. That's okay, just accept this and learn from your mistakes.

The secret that every child knows is there is no such thing as failure. They just persevere and try again. Now you know!

There is no such thing as failure!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Womans Day - Stop the world and take in the beauty around you

Stop the world and take in the beauty around you

Most of us are so involved with the tasks that must be accomplished by tomorrow, that we miss the beauty of today. Loveliness all around us gets taken for granted, we rarely look up from our daily tasks to appreciate the treasures of our environment.

Take a moment from your hectic schedule, and smell the flowers. Watch the graceful soaring of a kite or even marvel at the stars.

You will be surprised by the freedom you feel and the peace that it brings to your soul

Each day I take a break to appreciate the beauty of my environment.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Happy women embrace change

If you accept change, you allow circumstances to just happen to you. On the other hand, when you embrace change, you take charge and gain ownership of new opportunities.

When you're in the driver's seat, your life is both more fulfilling and peaceful.

Recognize change for the positive effects it can have on your life. It’s the engine that propels you toward new and better things.

You need change. So, look for it, seize it and embrace it with enthusiasm. When you ride on the crest of change, you reach your destination sooner and feel better about the journey

I recognize change is good for me and I embrace it with enthusiasm

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

You are not alone in the journey of life

Threes not a single woman in the world that hasn’t had to struggle with something or overcome difficulties at some point in her life. We all face challenges and adversity

At this very moment you may be facing one, whether they’re related to money, health, children, partners, family or careers. It’s all part of being alive.

Recognize that obstacles are just part of your journey; don’t let them stop you and never give up. Instead, think of them as milestones that once passed, will bring you closer to your goals.

Remember that with every challenge passed, you are a little stronger, a little wiser and more prepared for the rest of the journey.

I see obstacles as milestones that move me closer to my goals

Monday, March 3, 2008

My Love

I went to sleep last night with a smile becaz i knw i'd be dreaming of u ....but i woke up this morning with a smile becaz u weren't a dream. :)