Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Evergreen Quotes

1. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve through a positive mental attitude - Napoleon Hill

2. Happiness is the object and design of our existence - Joseph Smith

3. Cheer on all success - Gordon B. Hinckley

4. Youth is for the moment, there is always time to grow old - Unknown

5. You can be a victor without having victims - Unknown

6. Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be - Unknown

7. Hope is the magical ingredient of motivating yourself and others
- Unknown

8. Young and old begin with the end in mind - James M. Paramore

9. One kind word can warm three winter months - Japanese Saying

10. Be respectful and listen to those who have experience - Unknown

11. Look hot but don't burn, stay cool but keep warm - Jessica Woodly

12. Do or do not, there is no try - Yoda

13. Give in, and take the journey - Eddie Murphy in Holy Man

14. Your good is better, your better is blessed
- Eddie Murphy in Holy Man

15. Faith gets most, humility keeps most, love works most - Unknown

16. Life is a masterpiece but you must be the one who allows the brush to touch the canvas - Tony Sinclair

17. There is no chance, no fate, no destiny that can circumvent, hinder, or control the firm resolve of a determined soul - Dead Poets Society

18. When people are bored, it is primarily with their own selves that they are bored - Eric Hoffer

19. If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price - Unknown

20. A singer cannot delight you with his singing unless he himself delights to sing - Kahlil Gabran

21. A wise man gets more out of his enemies than a fool gets out of his friends - Baltasar Gracian

22. Wise men ne'er sit and wail their loss, but cheerily seek how to redress their harms - William Shakespeare

23. We become what we give ourselves the power to be - Unknown

24. A positive attitude is like a fire: unless you continue to add fuel, it goes out - Alexander Lockheart

25. Success has a simple formula: do you best, and people may like it
- Sam Ewing

26. He that's content hath enough, he that complains hath too much
- Benjamin Franklin

27. We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are
- Kare Anderson

28. Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. The remarkable thing is, we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past, we cannot change the fact that people act in a certain
way. We cannot change the inevitable, the only thing we can do is play on the one string that we have, and that is our attitude - Charles Swindoll

29. True happiness depends on our actions and attitudes, not our circumstances - The New Era

30. The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will - Vince Lambardi

31. Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - Lou Holtz

32. I pride myself on my success in doing not the things I like to do, but the things I don't like to do - William M. Evarts

33. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall - Confucius

34. Sometimes we stare so long at the door that is closing that we see to late that one is open - Alexander Graham Bell

35. There is no danger in developing eye strain from looking on the bright side of things - Alexander Lockheart

36. We all have inconveniences of one kind or another. How you deal with them determines how successful you are - Craig McFarlane

37. There are two ways of spreading light. To be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it - Edith Wharton

38. If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence you have won before you have started
- Marcus Garvey

39. It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness - Charles Spargeon

40. Yesterday can be forgotten and tomorrow can be better
- Ruth Anne Sheilds

41. Where you've been is not nearly as important as where you are and where you are going - Marvin J. Ashton

42. Nothing is too late 'till the tired heart shall cease to palpate
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

43. Security is not born of inexhaustible wealth, but of unconquerable faith
- Spencer W. Kimball

44. The discipline of the mind is the essence of culture - John A. Widtsoe

45. Omission of duty leads to commission - Brigham Young

46. A coward gets scared and quits, a hero gets scared, but still goes on
- Unknown

47. Those who deny agency for others, deserve it not for themselves
- Unknown

48. Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal
- George Hasley

49. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent
- Eleanor Roosevelt

50. Smile; If you can't lift the corners, let the middle sag - Unknown

51. It is wise for us to forget our troubles, there are always new ones to replace them - Brigham Young

52. Happiness is a state of activity - Aristotle

53. A smile is a curve that sets everything strait - Unknown

54. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks - Unknown

55. Don't be so humble, you're not that great - Golda Meir

56. Only a fool knows everything, a wise man knows how little he knows
- Unknown

57. When we become aware of our humility, we've lost it - Unknown

58. Hardening of the heart ages people faster than hardening of the arteries - Unknown

59. Knowledge is proud that she knows so much; wisdom is humble that she knows no more - Cowper

60. He who knows all the answers has not yet been asked all of the questions - Unknown

61. The secret to happiness is not in doing what ones likes to do, but in liking what one has to do - Unknown

62. The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart - Helen Keller

63. A man is not old until regrets start taking place of dreams - Unknown

64. A man convinced against his will; is of the same opinion still
- Unknown

65. Truth comes only to a prepared mind - Unknown

66. In order to be walked on, you have to be lying down - Brian Weir

67. If you don't learn from your mistakes, there's no sense making them
- Unknown

68. You haven't failed 'till you quit trying - Unknown

69. My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure - Abraham Lincon

70. If our thoughts or hopes are elsewhere, it is impossible to set our faces steadily toward the work required of us - Unknown

71. Experience is not what happens to a man, it's what a man does with what happens to him - Auldous Huxley

72. There are times when a man should be content with what he has, but never with what he is - William George Jordan

73. Some make it happen, some watch it happen, and some say "What happened?" - Unknown

74. The will to prepare is more important than the will to win
- Levell Edwards

75. Live as though you'd die tomorrow, but learn as though you'd live forever. - Folk saying

76. Who tries, can
Who wills, does
Who learns, lives
- Unknown

77. You can't change the past, but you can ruin a perfectly good present by worrying about the future - Unknown

78. When we fill our hearts with regrets over the failures of yesterday, and with the worries over tomorrow, we have no today in which to be thankful
- Unknown

79. Never live in the past, but always learn from it - Unknown

80. Fear is the tax that the conscience pays to guilt - Zachary Taylor

81. The best remedy for anger is delay - Brigham Young

82. Anger is never without a reason, but seldom a good one
- Benjamin Franklin

83. The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence - Unknown

84. A spirit to find fault is an enemy to your peace and comfort, and also the happiness of those around you. It is the key to your destruction
- Unknown

85. How a man plays a game shows something of his character, how he looses shows all of it - Unknown

86. You have the power to think what you want. No matter what the circumstance - Unknown

87. Why should we worry about what others think of us? Do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do in our own? - Brigham Young

88. When a man finds no peace within himself, it is useless to seek it elsewhere - L.A. Rouchefolicauld

89. Of all the things you were, your expression is most important
- Unknown

90. One cannot think crooked and walk strait - Unkown

91. The only difference between a rut and a groove is their dimensions
- Unknown

92. If you feel you have no faults, there's another one - Unknown

93. Some minds are like concrete, all mixed up and permanently set
- Unknown

94. What you see depends mainly upon what you look for - Unknown

95. Pride is a my will rather than a thy will approach to life
- Ezra Taft Benson

96. Rather than prepare a talk, prepare yourself - Unknown

97. It is bad enough to see young fools, but worse to see old fools
- Brigham Young

98. Minds are like parachutes, they function only when open - Unknown

99. The heart is wiser than the intellect - J.G. Holland

100. The task ahead of us is never greater than the power behind us
- Unknown

101. Your failures won't hurt until you start blaming them on others
- Unknown

102. Do the thing, and you shall have the power - Emerson

103. You're on the road to success when you realize that failure is only a detour - Unknown

104. People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing
- Dale Carnegy

105. Always aim for the moon; Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars - Unknown

106. If you think you can or think you can't, you're right - Unknown

107. Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry, and the world laughs at you - Unknown

108. Ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt
- Cardinal John Henry Newman

109. Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory - Mao Tse-Tung

110. I've taken my fun where I've found it - Rudyard Kipling

111. How awful to reflect that what people say of us is true
- Logan Pearsall Smith

112. For some, retirement begins at puberty - Gary Bishop

113. Some things are interesting and enticing, while other things are important - William R. Bradford

114. There is no defeat except for those who give up - Joseph B. Wirthlin

115. Some suffer from real misfortunes. Sadly, others only imagine that they do - Boyd K. Packer

116. Rudeness is the weak mans imitation of strength - Unknown

117. He who acts like a hot dog generally ends up in hot water - Unknown

118. Excuses are bridges to nowhere, people who use excuses are monuments to nothing - Unknown

119. Of all the influences which cause men to do wrong, selfishness is surely strongest - William R. Bradford

120. You either live in hope, or you live in despair - James E. Faust

121. He whose face gives no light shall never become a star - William Blake

122. Happy are those who dream dreams, and are willing to pay the price to see them come true - Unknown

123. It's to dark at night to walk with your eyes closed - Sturm Brightblade

124. Learn to control the power, never let it control you - Raistlin Majere

125. Standing in our own sunshine causes most of the shadows in this life
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

126. The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum - Frances Willard

127. Man is always such a fool. When it is hot, he wants it cool. When it is cool, he wants it hot. Always wanting what is not - Unknown

128. My strength is as the strength of ten, because my heart is pure
- Alfred Lord Tennyson

129. It's too dark at night to walk with your eyes closed
- Sturm Brightblade

130. Learn to control the power, never let it control you - Raistlin Majere

131. To open your eyes and see the sky is not enough. To open our ears is still not enough. For only if you open your mind will you hear the clouds whispering love's sweet songs and dancing together across the noisy sea
- Karolina

132. Most of the shadows in this life are caused by standing in our own sunshine - Ralph Waldo Emerson

133. You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it - Charles Buxton

134. Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today – Unknown

135. You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist – Unknown

136. Wonder rather than doubt is the route to all knowledge – Unknown

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