Thursday, December 20, 2007

Barriers and How to Overcome Them

Barriers and How to Overcome Them

So far everything is sounding pretty good. You have a goal and a step by step plan on how to accomplish, now it’s time to get to work, right? Wrong. Plans rarely go precisely as you intended. You must leave room for errors and hurdles and how to get beyond them. Maybe you calculate you will need $10,000 for a down payment on that dream home. You plan to put aside $200 out of every weekly paycheck for the next year. By the end of that time, you should have your down payment. Unless an emergency expense pops up you didn’t plan on. Then what? Plan for the unexpected when planning goal settings.

Once you have your plan committed to paper, barriers and all, it’s time to get to work. On the days when you feel discouraged or feel it’s just too hard, go back over your plan. Make adjustments if necessary. Make a point to glance at the picture of your goal settings at least twice a day; morning and night. Most importantly, believe you can do it.

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