Thursday, December 20, 2007

Establish and define your goal.

Establish and define your goal

First decide what it is you want or desire to do with your goal settings. Perhaps your goal is to obtain something tangible, such as your dream home or a new car. Or your goal may be something that is less tangible, but will reward you with either tangible benefits or intrinsic rewards. Maybe you want to finish your college education or obtain a job in a specific field. When you define your goal settings, be as specific as possible. "I want to purchase a home by next summer." Or "I want to finish my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education and graduate by next spring."

After you have established and defined your goal settings, remember that while it is written on paper it isn’t written in stone. You may need to make adjustments as you go through the process of obtaining your goal, but at least you’re now on the road to getting there!

What will be the significance of achieving your goal-what will be the outcome?
What will be the benefits of obtaining your goal? What is the purpose of goal settings for you? Purchasing a new home might enable you to have more independence or give you and your family more space or more security. Completing your education will allow you to work in a field you truly enjoy or give you more earning power.

Envision accomplishing your goal and believe that you can achieve it.
It’s easy to say you’re going to do something and quite another to actually believe you’re going to do it। Success of any action greatly depends on how much you believe in yourself and your ability to achieve. If you need to, tape a picture of your goal settings on your refrigerator, your bathroom mirror and anywhere else you can see it everyday. Okay, maybe you don’t even know what exactly what your dream house looks like, but you probably have a good idea. Browse real estate brochures and when you find the house that jumps out at you, clip that picture. Having a visible reminder in front of you everyday will help to keep you motivated.

- मोतिवाशनल सेन्ट्रल

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