Monday, January 14, 2008

Boost your memory power

Memory: Boost your memory power
Everyone wants to possess a good memory. No one is born with a poor memory. As human being, we have been gifted with an amazingly powerful brain. The human brain is a complex and highly developed organ. It consists of billion of cells, which are being used for analysing, storing and retrieving information. No computer can match the efficient and organised functioning of a healthy brain.

Our ancient scriptures like ‘HATHA YOGA PRADEEPA’, ‘PATANJALI YOGASUTRAS’ told us about the various techniques to sharpen our memory. Anyone can hone up the memory by training it. The efficiency of the recalling system is what makes your memory good or bad. As such, there is nothing like good memory and bad memory.

An average human being loses up to 1,00,000 brain cells every day due to disuse. Unlike the other cell of our body, the brain cell does not multiply. Any cell that are damaged or not used, simply degenerate. Lesser a person uses his brain, the worse his memory. Mental fitness, your ability to concentrate, to reason, to visualise, to imagine, to make decisions, to solve problems and to think creatively depends greatly on how well and how often you exercise your mind.

An average human being loses up to 1,00,000 brain cells every day due to disuse. Unlike the other cell of our body, the brain cell does not multiply. Any cell that are damaged or not used, simply degenerate. Lesser a person uses his brain, the worse his memory. Mental fitness, your ability to concentrate, to reason, to visualise, to imagine, to make decisions, to solve problems and to think creatively depends greatly on how well and how often you exercise your mind.
According to the Scientists, we forget things due to certain processes. These processes are -
1. Retrieval failure
2. Constructive process
3. Interference
4. Motivated forgetting

Mental Fitness
# Daily weight repetitions in the gym or jogging strengthen certain muscle groups mental exercise will strengthen and cognitive functions over time.

# Monotony generates mental lethargy and resignation. So, the monotonous life style. Be ready to accept new challenges.

# Mental fitness is your ability to concentrate, to reason, to visualise, to imagine, making decisions, to solve problems and to think creatively.


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