Thursday, January 17, 2008

If you cant say something nice don’t say anything at all

We have all heard this one.

Its something our parents reminded us of constantly. In fact, you may very well be cautioning your own children.

Now that you realize how hurtful your words can be to others, have you ever thought about the effects your own comments have on your self-esteem? Do you ever hear yourself saying nasty things about someone 0 that someone being you?

No one likes to be called "Lazy," "stupid", or "fat," and calling ourselves these names has a damaging effect on our self-worth. So today, take your own advice and the next time you begin saying something bad about yourself, try to stop. Instead of pointing out how little you have accomplished, why not acknowledge what you have done? And try replacing words like "I can't" and "I won't” with "I can" and "I will."

Being churlish never served us when we were young, and that is still true.

Be kind of yourself.I speak kindly to myself

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