Sunday, January 13, 2008

11 Success oriented Brain functions

The 11 success oriented brain functions

  • The image of a success - Your mood will begin to change almost immediately as you begin to imagine that in every way you already are the person you desire to be, the ultimate success in the area pertaining to each title's subject.
  • Purpose/Mission oriented - Next you will then be guided to think of every possible benefit of reaching your outcome... benefits to you, others, your community and even the world. You will feel closer to the big "Why" than you ever have. This is a natural procrastination killer.
  • Visualizing/imagining your desired outcome - You will be guided to clearly see and experience yourself doing everything necessary to succeed as well as what you and your life will be like after you reach your dream.
  • Desire/Determination - To immediately increase your determination to make these images and feelings come true, you will be guided to look at, in the most attractive terms, the benefits of reaching those outcomes. Then you will focus on what you will lose if you don't succeed. This will light a forest fire of desire in your gut.
  • Confidence - You will be guided to remember times when you did your best, when everything was going great - and to imagine how your "hero" feels when doing things related to each title's subject.
  • Action orientation - You will be guided to see yourself successfully taking all the steps needed to succeed, the planning, making the correct decisions, taking the right actions, the productive meetings, whatever is necessary. It is all working out in your mind now.
  • Love the entire process - You will then be guided to see the positive, the good, the fun in every single action you take on your success journey. You will manipulate your perceptions so that you will actually begin to enjoy tasks and decisions (related to each title's subject) that may have seemed awful up till now.
  • Keep setbacks/problems in perspective - You will mentally shrink the size of any possible setbacks that could occur on your way to your goal. So frustration, anxiety, anger and other overreactions will be less and less an issue when things don't go exactly as desired.
  • Appreciate/love what you get both inside and out - You will be brought to a place where you can see, hear and feel what your life will be like after you reach your outcomes... the result of being able to enter your Reference State as often as needed. Being constantly aware of and enjoying what you earn and become by reaching challenging goals is a foundational mental pattern of all champions in life.
  • Happiness/Pride from your accomplishments - Unlike enjoying benefits, this critical mental pattern of feeling proud of what you achieved helps you to stay motivated to keep getting results. The final scene in each IIP program will make you feel so good, so happy with yourself and your efforts, so loved and appreciated that you may be brought to tears... lots of them. Have the tissues handy.
- program in

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